Bubonic Plague

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For more information, see: Mayo Clinic | Wikipedia


Bubonic plague is the most common variety of the disease. It’s named after the buboes — swollen lymph nodes — which typically develop within a week after an infected flea bites you.

Buboes may be:

  • Situated in the groin, armpit or neck
  • About the size of a chicken egg
  • Tender and warm to the touch

Other signs and symptoms may include:

  • Sudden onset of fever and chills
  • Headache
  • Fatigue or malaise
  • Muscle aches

Visit and Join the WeHeal Bubonic Plague Community.

For more information, see: Mayo Clinic | Wikipedia


WeHeal is very grateful to our valued sources of information which include Wikipedia, WebMD, ClinicalTrials.gov, Cancer.gov, Infoplease, and the US CDC (Center for Disease Control).