The function of the WeHeal Technology Advisory Board is to bring together specialized technical minds with the experience necessary to help WeHeal navigate our technical goals and projects. It is a great way for professionals that have little time to volunteer the ability to participate and add value to the WeHeal CrowdHealing Movement.

ERIC DREW – Founder / Spokesperson / Chairman / Patient Advocate. Eric is currently serving his 11th year as chairman of the EDF. Although he is busy with his professional career managing a variety of domestic and international companies and investments, his passion is helping people who are struggling to survive like he was. He spends many hours each day consulting individual patient cases and promoting the foundation bearing his namesake. He still has substantial medical issues to deal with resulting from his extensive treatment but doesn’t let it slow him down. He enjoys golfing, hiking, lecturing and traveling the world empowering people and giving hope along the way.