Visit and Join the WeHeal Tennis Elbow and Elbow Pain
Information and References:: MayoClinic | Wikipedia | WebMd on Elbow Pain

Clinical Trials: | In Clinical Trials | EU Clinical Trials Register | WeHeal Guide to Researching Clinical Trials
Patient Resources and Related Organizations: | The Babble Out on Elbow Pain
News and Media: | NIH
Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition of the elbow caused by overuse. Not surprisingly, playing tennis or other racquet sports can cause this condition. However, several other sports and activities can also put you at risk.
When to see a doctor: Talk to your doctor if self-care steps such as rest, ice and use of over-the-counter pain relievers don’t ease your elbow pain and tenderness.
WeHeal is very grateful to our valued sources of information which include Wikipedia, WebMD,,, Infoplease, and the US CDC (Center for Disease Control).