Genetic Predispositions to Cancer

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Know your genetic risk of getting the most common cancers!

By knowing your hereditary risk of getting certain cancers, you will know which diagnostic tests to have regularly, and what proactive preventative steps you can take to minimize your risk!

With the Verdem Health ‘Genetic Cancer Risk Analysis’, you will receive a detailed report on your risk of developing the 10 most common cancers, as well as a customized action plan and list of precautionary measures.


Test your DNA for the presence of key genes to help you truly understand your genetic risk to:
• Breast Cancer
• Ovarian Cancer
• Colon Cancer
• Uterine Cancer
• Melanoma
• Pancreatic Cancer
• Stomach Cancer
• Prostate Cancer
• And More

More Information about Genetic Predispositions to Cancer
Between five and 10% of cancer cases are inherited. Individuals with a genetic predisposition for developing the disease will have a far higher chance of developing cancer within their lifetime and at an earlier age.
Genetic testing can look for specific inherited changes (mutations) in a person’s genetic make-up. Genetic mutations may have multiple different effects on a person’s health. Mutations that are harmful may increase a person’s chance or risk of developing a disease such as cancer. Genetic testing can help determine whether a family has a hereditary cancer predisposition syndrome. Individuals who have genetically higher risks to develop certain cancers are recommended to follow high-risk cancer surveillance and management.
If you have any of the following you might consider CGX testing:
• Several first-degree relatives (mother, father, sisters, brothers, children) with cancer.
• Many relatives on one side of the family who have had the same type of cancer.
• A cluster of cancers in your family that are known to be linked to a single gene mutation (such as breast, ovarian and pancreatic cancers in your family).
• A family member with more than 1 type of cancer.
• Close relatives with cancers that are linked to rare hereditary cancer syndromes.
• A family member with a rare cancer such as breast cancer in a male or retinoblastoma.
• A physical finding that’s linked to an inherited cancer (such as having many colon polyps).
• A known genetic mutation in one or more family members who have already had genetic testing.

You can order your Verdem Health Genetic Predispositions to Cancers Test here!

Please visit and Join the WeHeal Genetic Predispositions to Cancer Community

WeHeal is very grateful to our valued sources of information which include Wikipedia, WebMD,,, Infoplease, and the US CDC (Center for Disease Control).