Eric's Blog

WeHeal – “The What”

A mission needs a reason.   A mission, if there is any hope to succeed, needs to be backed by a deep set desire to right a wrong, prove a point, or to make something better than it is or has ever been before. Such is the case for

Founded by Eric Drew, an extraordinary gentleman with an extraordinary story, WeHeal’s mission is to empower those with a serious or terminal illness (or those who care for them). WeHeal helps these people make decisions about their medical care through accessibility to unbiased data such as cutting edge treatments, case studies, and the truth about antiquated regimens still in practice today. The data is compiled by contributors like you and me (and I do contribute), not pharmaceutical corporations or those with an ulterior motive to direct the information for the purpose of profit. Instead, our data is shared from peer to peer, from article to community, from those who know, to those who need to know. is organized into over 100 communities focusing on specific diseases, whether that be Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Lou Gehrig’s disease, or Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (which is the disease that WeHeal founder Eric Drew fought and won). Our communities include any treatments, hospitals, support groups, or ancillary information that might be useful for those who have been diagnosed, for health care providers, or simply for an individual that feels the options laid out for someone they know or care for are not good enough.

WeHeal has a phrase for this: Empowering advocacy through an increase in health literacy. The idea being, anyone who has been affected by a serious or terminal illness can easily access organized, unbiased, and up-to-date information about that particular ailment. By doing so, our users can better arm themselves to fight the fight of overcoming their disease and getting back to living life, not fighting for survival.

As I said, a mission needs a reason. WeHeal originated from the mind of a man who was told he would not live past 6 months. He advocated for his own treatment and not only survived, but 15 years later, has continued to stay involved with the health communities surrounding a number of deadly diseases. He has turned that mission from the means of his own survival into a platform for others who are seeking knowledge, answers, or potentially a different path. WeHeal gives every user the ability to learn from each other’s’ experiences, cultivate their own health literacy, and do so quickly without an ulterior motive.

As we say, “Alone we struggle, together We Heal!” Join now and be a contributor at