
  • Hi! I found this article and I thought it could be useful for someone!

    • Eric Drew replied

      Thank you so much for posting this Liza! Immune therapy is absolutely the new wave of cancer treatment, as it uses the body’s own immune system to hunt down and kill the cancer. I am so jealous and wish they had those treatments available when I was fighting ALL 14 years ago! The article does however contain some misinformation which is quite tragic in my opinion. They flat out state that there is no cure, which is totally false. They have ben curing ALL and all types of leukemia for decades through bone marrow, and in my case umbilical cord stem cell, transplants. Why would they make such a blatant false statement like this? There are many reasons why an ablative transplant requiring extensive radiation and chemo is not an ideal cure, as there are many complications that can happen and many patients do die in the process, but it is a cure nonetheless. I dont want to detract from the well deserved excitement over these new treatments that I am referring all cancer patients to consider, but it bothers me that Americans are constantly being exposed to false statements and misinformation!

      • Liza replied

        Thank you so much for doing all you do and for sharing your valuable experience and knowledge with so many people that benefit for it!

    • Eric Drew replied

      Thank you Liza! Yes this new focus for cancer treatment is very exciting, as we will eventually be able to “vaccinate” a patient against whatever cancer they have, and soon will be able to tell in advance what cancers people may be susceptible to! I always try to find the newest immune therapy for all cancer patients requesting a free consultation through WeHeal!