
  • Eric Drew posted an update in the group (Medical) Cannabis Advocate Network

    My name is Matt and I am a pharmacist at MedOne Specialty Care. We have partnered with WeHeal to provide free information and medical cannabis consultations. MedOne provides customized cannabis counseling for patients and coordinate care to find a trusted product for you to use.

    Regarding your question: How much THC CBD oil sublingual is effective and safe for chronic pain from Crohn’s disease.

    If you are seeking to try THC and/or CBD-based products for pain management of any condition, it is hard to give an exact recommendation on dosing.

    Many of the studies focusing on pain management in patients with cancer use a 1:1 THC:CBD tincture. However, the ratios you need may vary based on how you react to the THC component. Some people are more sensitive to THC, thus will require a higher ratio of CBD like 1:4 or 1:8. CBD helps mitigate some of the negative cognitive effects of THC, such as feeling “stoned”.

    For Crohn’s disease specifically, you likely want to use either capsules or a tincture so that the THC and CBD can make it into the colon. If you are looking to start using a cannabis product, start with low doses, around 1mg per dose, and increase until you feel like you are getting pain relief.

    If you want more information or have more questions, you can email or call MedOne Specialty Care.

    Matt Cummings, PharmD
    University of California, San Francisco
    Chief Executive Officer
    MedOne Specialty Care, Inc
    Free Consultation: 1-833-765-2273