Jaundice is a yellowish pigmentation of the skin, the conjunctival membranes over the sclerae (whites of the eyes), and other mucous membranes caused by high blood bilirubin levels.
Jaundice is often seen in liver disease such as hepatitis or liver cancer. It may also indicate leptospirosis or obstruction of the biliary tract, for example by gallstones or pancreatic cancer, or less commonly be congenital in origin (e.g., biliary atresia).
Find out more Jaundice
Aarchi Advani joined the group Jaundice Advocate Network
Daniel Christian Patient Advocate joined the group Jaundice Advocate Network
Ericdrew18 joined the group Jaundice Advocate Network
Eric Drew joined the group Jaundice Advocate Network
WeHeal created the group Jaundice Advocate Network