This infection is a rare and usually fatal brain infection caused by an amoeba commonly found in freshwater lakes, rivers and hot springs. Exposure occurs during swimming or other water sports. The amoeba — called Naegleria fowleri — travels up the nose to the brain, where it causes severe damage. Most people who have naegleria infection die within a week.
Find out more Naegleria Infection
Aarchi Advani joined the group Naegleria Infection Advocate Network
Daniel Christian Patient Advocate joined the group Naegleria Infection Advocate Network
Daniel Christian Patient Advocate joined the group Naegleria Infection Advocate Network
Ericdrew18 joined the group Naegleria Infection Advocate Network
Eric Drew joined the group Naegleria Infection Advocate Network
WeHeal created the group Naegleria Infection Advocate Network