aafreeman joined the group General Cancer Advocate Network
Eric Drew posted an update in the group General Cancer Advocate Network
Fast Track Survival Guide for Cancer Patients!
1. Immediately ask your doctor to order genome testing or “PCR” tests on your specific cancer. This will determine what treatments will be most effective, which clinical trials would benefit you the most, and give you the best chance at permanent cure.
Here is one lab that you can request to have…[Read more] -
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Addiction Advocate Network
Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong | Johann Hari – YouTubeWhat really causes addiction — to everything from cocaine to smart-phones? And how can we overcome it? Johann Hari has seen our current methods fail firsthan… -
Eric Drew posted an update in the group General Cancer Advocate Network
Research team discovers how immunotherapy can fight some cancers – Medical News TodayWhat if our immune system could cure cancer? This logic seems almost too simple to be true, but it forms the basis of an emerging cancer treatment – immunotherapy. -
Eric Drew posted an update in the group General Cancer Advocate Network
Potential new treatment found for 'chemo brain' – Medical News TodayNew research explains the brain chemistry behind chemotherapy-induced cognitive dysfunction and finds a potential new therapy for preventing it. -
Eric Drew posted an update in the group General Cancer Advocate Network
Falun Gong can extend life and drastically improve quality of life through symptom alleviation
An observational cohort study on terminal cancer survivors practicing falun gong (FLG) in China. | 2016 ASCO Annual Meeting | Abstracts | Meeting LibraryAn observational cohort… -
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Cholesterol Discussion Advocate Network
good overview!
What is cholesterol ratio and why is it important? – Medical News TodayIn this article, learn about the difference between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol. How do they affect the body? How can you manage high cholesterol? -
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Chronic Pain Advocate Network
Important info on over the counter NSAIDs
Eric Drew posted an update in the group General Cancer Advocate Network
Good advice! Keep moving!
Cancer-related fatigue: Exercise, psychological therapies best treatments – Medical News TodayFatigue is the most common side effect of cancer treatment. New research finds exercise and psychological interventions are the best… -
Eric Drew posted an update in the group COPD – Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Community Advocate Network
Useful information!
Living with COPD: Tips, activities, and treatments – Medical News TodayLearn about keeping up with life with COPD, diet changes that may be beneficial, physical activity for people with COPD, and breathing exercises. -
NipperCat posted an update in the group Herbal Medicine Advocate Network
A healing birthday present was given to me by my daughter. And what a special present it was. Ruth made me a bottle of rosewater. The roses were out of her abundant garden. In the book, The Healing Power of Flowers, I found that fresh rose petal essence is used for honoring what I’m experiencing this week, Grief and the loss of a loved one.…[Read more]
Eric Drew posted an update in the group COPD – Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Community Advocate Network
Lots of info!
Exacerbation of COPD: Causes, Warning Signs, and Treatment – Medical News TodayWhat is a COPD exacerbation and what are the main causes? Learn about what the symptoms are and what is suggested to try to prevent COPD. -
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment Advocate Network
great video
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment Advocate Network
very exciting potential – this would be the first treatment I would go for if diagnosed with another cancer
NipperCat posted an update in the group Herbal Medicine Advocate Network
It works! A homemade flea spray for cats. In a one cup jar, mix 1/2 cup water with 1/2 cup filtered apple cider vinegar. Then add one drop peppermint essential oil and one drop geranium oil. Shake well and put mixture in a spray bottle. Spray kitty with this special flea spray twice a day, combing it into kitty’s fur. That’s it – – -watch the fleas flee.
NipperCat posted an update in the group Herbal Medicine Advocate Network
I agree with these oregano oil benefits. Just putting oregano oil in my vaporizer for a couple of nights cured my persistent and painful sinus infection. Oregano oil used the way I did, really worked for me. But be careful, because this oil is potent and don\’t overdo it.
NipperCat posted an update in the group Homeopathic Medicine Advocate Network
I found a “foolproof”(for me) product to take when I have the very first signs of a cold or flu. It’s called, Oscillococccinum, and it’s a natural, homeopathic remedy that worked wonders for me. Here’s the link to “The True Story of Oscillococcinum.” http://www.homeowatch.org/history/oscillo.html
NipperCat posted an update in the group Herbal Medicine Advocate Network
You can often get started by identifying the most unique features of the plant and then searching online with that information. From this, you’ll get some good ideas and can also refine your search. However, if you’re going to ingest the plant or apply it to your body, you’ll still want to do a complete and thorough identification to make sure…[Read more]
Example: someone sent me a fuzzy picture of a red-flowering plant with bulbous pods that they thought turned into the flowers. Searching on the main features identified, we quickly found less than a dozen options online — and one of them did, indeed, turn out to be the plant in question. Online searches using key features can save you a lot of…[Read more]
Crepe Myrtle
NipperCat posted an update in the group Herbal Medicine Advocate Network
Identifying common weeds, plants, trees, etc. can be tricky. The first thing to consider is what the plant looks like. For example, does it have alternate leaves, opposite leaves, heart-shaped leaves, round leaves, simple or compound leaves, etc. Look at the type of fruit, the type and color of the flower; and finally where it is growing (in a…[Read more]
For example, the Broadleaf plantain plant you found are low, green plants with inconspicuous flowers. Leaves appear to have parallel veins but have small, netted veins too.
The leaves are delicious batter fried, or young leaves can embellish your salads. They are rich in vitamins A, C and K. Leaves contain allotoin, useful for soothing skin…[Read more]
Eric Drew joined the group Homeopathic Medicine Advocate Network
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