rahulkamra joined the group
ritikamarria1203 joined the group
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Coronavirus COVID 19 Advocate Network
If early treatment with zinc and steroid inhalers are saving millions of lives with COVID patients around the world. why isn’t this method being used in USA??? Corporate agendas? https://americacanwetalk.org/dr-richard-bartlett-acwt-interview-7-2-20/
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Coronavirus COVID 19 Advocate Network
If arly treatment with zinc and steroid inhalers are saving millions of lives around the world. why isn’t this method being used in USA??? Corporate agendas? https://americacanwetalk.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/ColumnByDrBartlettReCOVID-5.pdf
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Coronavirus COVID 19 Advocate Network
Betty Holistic & Skin Care joined the group
Jillzie joined the group
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Coronavirus COVID 19 Advocate Network
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Coronavirus COVID 19 Advocate Network
riteshbawri joined the group
PT Link Physical Therapy joined the group
Light Touch Dental Care joined the group
Javiermartin joined the group
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Coronavirus COVID 19 Advocate Network
Emergency Dentist joined the group
Prophetic20 joined the group
jazzziguy joined the group
Lindsay joined the group
eliemaghamesfr joined the group
glennc joined the group
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