
  • Eric Drew posted an update in the group General Breast Cancer Advocate Network

    • Gracie007 replied

      I believe this. The year prior to my diagnosis was one of my most stressful years on record. I have always felt the stress was the fuel that enabled my cancer to proliferate.

      • Eric Drew replied

        I fully agree that stress is poison to our body! Its why we all need to work towards a more secure world of compassion, support, and understanding, and stop the constant threat of attack from others of our own species that currently exists physically, mentally and financially. Be kind and understanding to others and receive kindness in return. Also remember, don’t sweat the small stuff, as life is short and fragile 🙂

    • Eric Drew replied

      BTW we are incorporating amazing services into WeHeal which will include genetic testing for predispositions to cancers, and then matching people with trials to follow them and mitigate the emergence of these cancers. Would love to have you involved Gracie!

      • Gracie007 replied

        I would love too. Do you have time to talk next week?

  • HelloitsB posted an update in the group The WeHeal Welcome Community

    We support the right of every individual to choose whether or not to participate in vaccinations, free from threats and coercive strategies, and with informed consent as to the pros, cons, and current lack of scientific integrity supporting them. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons agrees and has issued the following statement (link to their website) —

  • Gracie007 posted an update in the group General Breast Cancer Advocate Network

    For those of us that have experienced hair loss due to adjunct endocrine therapy. I actually continued to experience hair loss for more than a year even after discontinued use. It has taken a combo of supplements, tinctures, and homeopathic remedies to finally start to see some improvements. Sadly if you bring this up to your oncologist you will he looked at with disgust because we are only supposed to be grateful to be here still and these fallouts are supposed to be badges of honor.

    • Eric Drew replied

      Thank you Gracie for sharing and i am so sorry you have suffered this damage. Although its a more complicated problem with women, I also suffered permanent hair loss and and have felt old for my years because of this and other side effects. I sure hope natural non chemical and non-invasive therapies like Verthermia’s natural hyperthermia treatment! It cleanses the body while knocking the cancer down, bringing patients within treatable range with less toxic immune and kinase inhibitor therapies.

  • Gracie007 posted an update in the group General Breast Cancer Advocate Network

    For those of us that have experienced hair loss due to adjunct endocrine therapy. I actually continued to experience hair loss for more than a year even after discontinued use. It has taken a combo of supplements, tinctures, and homeopathic remedies to finally start to see some improvements. Sadly if you bring this up to your oncologist you will he looked at with disgust because we are only supposed to be grateful to be here still and these fallouts are supposed to be badges of honor.

  • NipperCat posted an update in the group The WeHeal Welcome Community

    Important information for all of us to consider!

  • Gracie007 posted an update in the group General Breast Cancer Advocate Network

    I just love knowing once again my breasts are ticking time bombs….. Women seem to continually be nothing but Guinea pigs in the medical community.

  • Gracie007 posted an update in the group General Breast Cancer Advocate Network

    I just love knowing once again my breasts are ticking time bombs….. Women seem to continually be nothing but Guinea pigs in the medical community.

  • NipperCat posted an update in the group The WeHeal Welcome Community

    “You can’t judge a book by its cover,” gets a new meaning — how you cook your well-selected foods is extremely vital to robust health. Quick and flashy does not necessarily equal healthy.

  • I had dense breast tissue like many of my survivor friends.