
  • If you click on the link it will bring up the picture from the pet scan. It’s all the black dots everywhere. The larger circles is my Brian, heart, pelvic area.

    • Eric Drew replied

      Thank you for the summary and PET Scans Erin. Let me know if you filled out the ASK form with Cancer Commons and had them copy

      • Eric Drew replied

        Also, to initiate the free treatment search service by Aloha Health, please fill out this brief contact form here. In the questions space, you can simply cut and paste the content that you wrote below

  • I have been diagnosed on 10.8.19 with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer, which has also spread throughout my entire body. I go to standford for all doctors appointments. I found these lumps myself on 9.18.19 on my neck and I contacted STANFORD myself, went through biopsy they tested 10 lymph nodes. They gave me this news below on Tuesday.

    My oncologist told me on Tuesday 10/8/19 that this cancer has spread throughout my whole body, and that I need to start treatment immediately, also that all they are able to do is prolong my life with chemotherapy treatments and other drugs and for the rest of my life every 3 weeks I will do my chemo treatments and I will live as long as they can continue to do treatments. I asked my oncologist “so your saying that unless I do these treatments for the rest of my life every 3weeks, I will die? And that there is no cure for this”Completely in tears sitting there alone with just the oncologist. I also asked how long have you seen someone in my situation live for? She said some make it 2 months so make it 2 years. After I left I just kept thinking to myself NO WAY I just turned 40 years old on 9/30/79.
    I have 2 children a son that is 18 and a daughter that will be 8 this month. This is not how I’m going to live my life. There has to be another way or something else out there that will help me.

    have been in remission since 10.12.2016, i found a lump in my right breast in January 2016 and after testing and all i found out on April 12,2016 that i had stage 3 breast cancer the lumps in my right breast were the size of 3 golf balls and it had spread into my lymph nodes. It was HER2 positive, estrogen positive. And something else, i will provide all the information which i have in a box at home.

    I am blessed to have been referred to Eric Drew and i am looking for help with any other treatments or options available. I am a VERY STRONG WOMAN AND I NEVER LOSE A FIGHT. I will fight till the end. I was going to start my own research on what else is out there before I was introduced to Eric Drew.

    I’m here to learn and help with any questions anyone has and i want to learn what other options are out there for this news I received. I’m going to share a picture of my pet scan results showing where all the cancer has spread throughout my body, My oncologist has not been able to tell me how long these have been in body and I SERIOUSLY DO NOT BELIEVE that all of them just showed up randomly, they also said that there is nothing i could of done to prevent this from happening (which i really don’t understand) and that there is nothing i could have do to cause this. I think its bullshit and i want more answers. Before i undergo and treatments. I know there is other treatments out there.

    • Eric Drew replied

      Erin your story absolutely brings me to tears, as I have been there myself and know how difficult it is to bear such news, and I can say that everything I was told and probably everything you were told was not true. This is THEIR opinion, not YOUR reality! You can choose your own reality and your own destiny just as I did, and I am here to help you in any way I can!.. Please email me and I will walk you through what resources we can arrange to help you evaluate your “curative” options.

  • Eric Drew posted an update in the group General Breast Cancer Advocate Network

  • Eric Drew posted an update in the group General Breast Cancer Advocate Network

    For all Breast Cancer Patients regardless of the state of their treatment, There are two entities I recommend you get consultations from as soon as possible. Staying on top of your options and planning now so you know exactly what you need to do if you relapse (hopefully not), you will save yourself precious time and be able to move right away into the best possible treatment for you. Once you register with these organizations, they will be an ongoing free resource to you to gather transparent information about your treatment options and search for any breakthroughs since your last search.
    One is Cancer Commons. Please go to, go to Patients tab, and fill out the ASK form. You could ask them what are your options if you relapse and who are the top docs in your area outside of whom you have already seen. Ask them anything you feel is important. You could ask them what are the odds of staying in remission with the treatment you have had. If you want my input, please ask them to copy I send them many patient and they are used to copying me.
    The other is the WeHeal partner Aloha. This is more of an AI search engine to find the most advanced trials. You can register for that free search at link below. You may find clinical trials that monitor patients after Rituxan and keep them informed of the latest advancements, which would be a bonus for you. Who knows. Sure cant hurt to do the searches, and once you are in the Aloha system, they can re-run searches for you anytime!

    – Remodeling Calgary July 17, 2019

    Both services are free and could save your life!

  • Gracie007 posted an update in the group General Breast Cancer Advocate Network

    Imperative legislation for those with metastatic disease. Please call your representatives to get this past.

    • Eric Drew replied

      Thank you Gracie! Getting these benefits early will definitely be a bonus for women who are newly diagnosed and need resources to arrange the best possible treatment. It should be immediate! My cancer (ALL) can kill people within days weeks or a few months, yet they made me wait 6 months before benefits would kick in. Didn’t seem right!

  • Gracie007 posted an update in the group General Breast Cancer Advocate Network

    Not sure that I feel encouraged or not by this.

    • Eric Drew replied

      Thank you Gracie as always for posting these very important articles. Its sad that the US system is so corrupted as so much energy is spent on profitability as opposed to what is best for the patients!

      • Eric Drew replied

        Posted on both Facebook pages!

        • Gracie007 replied

          Both facebook pages? Weheal has two pages now?

          • Eric Drew replied

            Actually always did. We have had the Eric Drew Foundation page for a long time. When the WeHeal name came on board, we launched another one for so people would find something under both names. Trying to manage social media has been quite a confusing challenge.

  • Gracie007 posted an update in the group General Breast Cancer Advocate Network

    More evidence that HRT therapy increases breast cancer risk and breast cancer mortality.

  • Gracie007 posted an update in the group General Breast Cancer Advocate Network

    This is very promising. Could help minimize over treatment for younger women diagnosed. Instead of let’s throw everything at them but the kitchen sink let’s actually tailor by individual.