Eric Drew posted a new activity comment
Thank you Casey for joining us and I am sorry to hear that you are having these complications! I assume from what you are saying that your symptoms are lung related? Since Sarcoidosis is though to be an immune response from being exposed to foreign substances, any of the potential causes you have listed could be the culprit. Sounds like you…[Read more]
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Castleman Disease Advocate Network
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Castleman Disease Advocate Network
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Schizophrenia Advocate Network
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Coronavirus COVID 19 Advocate Network
Eric Drew posted a new activity comment
Glad to help in any way we can Clint! What specific negative symptoms are you having that I can help you find solutions for? I can look at te latest treatments and trials, or find another non-profit group who can help address those concerns. Cam you tell me in general what area you life so I can find resources in your area?
Eric Drew posted a new activity comment
Clint thank you for joining us here! Sounds like your diagnosis is somewhat new? I just want you to know that you are not alone, and to feel free and ask questions or make comments here about anything, even if you just want to vent 🙂 My expertise is in sourcing solutions and finding the latest treatments and clinical trials out there, so…[Read more]
Thanks for the support. I have been living with schizoaffective disorder for almost 10 years. After my first episode I kinda just ignored my illness. It wasnt until my second episode that I am taking it seriously, that episode happened almost two years ago. Just realizing I need support so I am reaching out to find help. I do struggle with…[Read more]
Glad to help in any way we can Clint! What specific negative symptoms are you having that I can help you find solutions for? I can look at te latest treatments and trials, or find another non-profit group who can help address those concerns. Cam you tell me in general what area you life so I can find resources in your area?
Eric Drew posted a new activity comment
Absolutely Isaiah! I hope we can help amputees find the best new solutions for whatever issues they are having!
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Coronavirus COVID 19 Advocate Network
Eric Drew joined the group Amputee Advocate Network
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Parkinson’s Disease Advocate Network
Quick Research on Lewy Body Dementia
I did find a new clinical trial announcement at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute in LA area here – https://www.pacificneuroscienceinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/EIP-Flyer-16-Sep-19.pdf . It is double blind, but usually after the trial period they will allow all patients ot get the medication.
Also t…[Read more]
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Dementia Advocate Network
Quick research on Lewy Body Dementia
I did find a new clinical trial announcement at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute in LA area here – https://www.pacificneuroscienceinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/EIP-Flyer-16-Sep-19.pdf . It is double blind, but usually after the trial period they will allow all patients ot get the medication.
Also t…[Read more]
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Parkinson’s Disease Advocate Network
For Lewy Body Parkinsoons – https://www.pacificneuroscienceinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/EIP-Flyer-16-Sep-19.pdf
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Coronavirus COVID 19 Advocate Network
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Coronavirus COVID 19 Advocate Network
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Coronavirus COVID 19 Advocate Network
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Coronavirus COVID 19 Advocate Network
Eric Drew posted a new activity comment
Thank you for joining us here April! Please feel free to post any interesting news you find and share any thoughts 🙂 ERIC
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Coronavirus COVID 19 Advocate Network
Eric Drew posted a new activity comment
https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk00MomeUd4yv5FMcVOpU96gm4cWBsA%3A1586215849428&ei=qbuLXsDDGYXG-gSc-67gAg&q=diverticulitis+assessment&oq=diverticulitis+assessment&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgAMgIIADICCAAyBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB46BAgAEEc6BwgAEBQQhwI6BAgAEEM6BQgAEIMBShAIFxIMMTAtOWcyMTJnMTExSgwIGBIIMTAtMmc2ZzZQknFY1IoBYP7IAmgBcAJ4AIABqwKIAckOk…[Read more]
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