
  • So where to begin this conversation as there is so much info to sort through. I use a device as a bone stimulator, and there are devices being marketed for general health. Lets get them up here and talk about what works and why!

    • JoySee replied

      For general health, a device like the BEMER is best; it is safe and has no side effects and uses a patented signal like no others. It is FDA registered. It keeps the blood flowing optimally for 12-16 hours on one 8-minute session. Others have very strong PEMF signals that are okay for pain and conditions that need a lot of therapy. However, some of these are made by cowboy-types that are just using the PEMF technology to make money. I’ve met a couple! Overall, for home use, the BEMER is FDA registered and is now in the Class II medical device process for approval. No other has this.

      • Eric Drew replied

        We should definitely list any devices here that have been found to be bogus or ineffective!