
  • Nutrition Angel posted an update in the group General Cancer Advocate Network

    Learn about The Truth About Cancer and the newest leading-edge natural treatments! Live Online October 5-7!

    • Eric Drew replied

      Thank you Nutrition Angel! Are you attending this online event? It would be great to get some highlights and feedback on what is stated. Every cancer is very different, so the blanket statements like “Heal your cancer naturally” are very curious to me. I know that my cancer could not have been cured through diet and natural remedies, as it would have killed me within days if I tried that. However, I know many people who have treated their solid tumor cancers with natural remedies and have done well. It all depends on the type of cancer and the specific mutations that you are dealing with. For all patients, please look at scientific data before making treatment choices. Although supplements and nutrition are extremely important in the prevention and fight against cancer, how many patients with your specific disease have actually been cured by taking supplements alone without any other treatment? I would estimate very few. Be careful when turning down decades of research for claims that have no scientific data to back them up. This is why we created WeHeal! To have these discussions and pick through the information. We need everyone’s participation to make it happen 🙂