
  • NipperCat posted an update in the group Depression Advocate Network

    Forest living vs city dwellers and brain health!

    • Jeanette replied

      Makes sense! Monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes are the main chemical components of therapeutic essential oils and are some of the principal volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by forests. Researchers have learned that forests contain massive amounts of VOCs emitted into the air by trees and other plants. Some of these terpenes are alpha-Pinene, beta-Pinene, limonene, carene, myrcene, alpha-Terpinene, beta-Phellandrene, sabinene, para-Cymene, ocimene, and gamma-Terpinene, all top components of essential oils and just a few of the terpenes emitted by forests. No wonder we feel so peaceful in forests!

    • Eric Drew replied

      Absolutely it is crucial to spend time in and around nature! Growing up in the mountains and living near the ocean has made it abundantly clear how important it is. Walk on the beach, hike in the hills, and get some fresh air, daily if possible!