
  • Marc posted an update in the group Regenerative Medicine Advocate Network

    Whatever you think you know about stem cells, it is yesterday’s science. There is a different stem cell discovered but relatively unknown despite of hundreds of publications, peer review, FDA IRBs, we are still basically unknown. What we discovered and patented are a group of adult telomerase positive stem cells. Telomerase POSTIVE means the is no hayflick limit, i.e, these cells are known as Immortal cells and are the basis of true anti-aging and regeneration. That one of our cells is Totipotent means, unlike Pluripotent cells they can become ANY cell in the body including sperm and ova. They become whatever is necessary, unlike IPS WITHOUT modification or inducement. Therefore the are zero teratomas. Unlike there is a genetic defect, we utilize autologous cells and therefore no immune rejection. We have successfully treated 100s of patients with a multitude of morbidities including regeneration of to patients with MIs of less than 25 and now are off the transplant list. I am seeking clinics interested in bring our treatments to their local markets. Our our research and patient treatments are backed by FDA monitoring and IRBs. One more key attribute of our unique protocol is that we are able to accomplish treatment in many cases with ONLY nutraceuticals, ie without isolation. Where more aggressive treatment is recommended with utilize additional blood draw, proliferation and re-insertion within typically 24 hours or less. Marc S. Nehamkin, CEO TotiMed Global Group. 408-202-3931

    • Eric Drew replied

      This is very exciting new Marc thanks for sharing! Posted it on both our facebook pages and my personal news feed! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and lets talk!

  • 007 posted an update in the group Prostate Cancer Advocate Network

    I would like to ask the community if anyone has found anything new over the last 5 years that can help shrink the prostate to help frequent urination at night. I have read articles over the past 10 years that talk about natural supplements but with very little proof that they actually work. I don\’t want to take medications because of the effect they have on the liver and kidneys.

    • Eric Drew replied

      Thanks 007 for the question! From myself and feedback from others, The things I have noticed that work best are natural. Frequent exercise (see article above) Lots of fluids and regular vitamin supplements to keep things flushing, limit alcohol consumption (if you do drink – drink lots fluids as alcohol causes inflammation) generally staying active and limit sitting for long periods which puts pressure on prostate. I will ask around about other natural supplements as well.

  • NipperCat posted an update in the group The WeHeal Welcome Community

    Here is the reason why you should never waste any part of an onion, even the onion skins!

    • Gracie007 replied

      I use them when making homemade broths. Learned this from the cancer cookbook.

  • NipperCat posted an update in the group The WeHeal Welcome Community

    Are you aware of how much we are aiding environmental pollution with our discarded metal tooth fillings! WOW!
    (See also —

  • NipperCat posted an update in the group The WeHeal Welcome Community

    Be good to yourself and stop eating all that sugar! Attention: sugar derivatives and polysaccharides (e.g., maltodextrin) are in sugar substitutes, some vital pills, and many other foods. Read all labels carefully be fore buying anything. Fresh fruit and veggies are the way to eat well!

  • NipperCat posted an update in the group The WeHeal Welcome Community

    Be good to yourself and stop eating all that sugar! Attention: sugar derivatives and polysaccharides (e.g., maltodextrin) are in sugar substitutes, some vital pills, and many other foods. Read all labels carefully be fore buying anything. Fresh fruit and veggies are the way to eat well!