Eric Drew posted an update in the group The Marcus Bannon Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) Global Advocate Network
URGENT! This post has crucial info for anyone newly diagnosed with GBM! This is the result of the treatment consult arranged for a patient in June 2017, and it talks about what tests to have done which will guide what treatments will be effective or not and list GBM experts on the west coast of the US.
I’m sorry to hear of your recent GBM d…[Read more]
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Brain Tumor Advocate Network
lots of good info
Brain Tumor: Types, Symptoms, and Treatment – Medical News TodayIn this article, learn about the different types of brain tumor and associated risk factors. What different treatment options are available? -
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Brain Tumor Advocate Network
Malaria drug successfully treats 26-year-old brain cancer patient – Medical News TodayAfter her brain cancer became resistant to chemotherapy and then to targeted treatments, 26-year-old Lisa Rosendahl’s doctors gave her only a few months to live. -
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Brain Tumor Advocate Network
Direct and targeted chemo is always better than systematic poisoning!
Direct-to-brain chemo better than systemic drugs when immunotherapy is to follow – Medical News TodayIn experiments on mice with a form of aggressive brain cancer, Johns Hopkins researchers… -
Eric Drew posted an update in the group Brain Tumor Advocate Network
Its very important to know what treatments are working, and just as important to know which ones are not!
Whole brain radiotherapy offers little benefit to people whose lung cancer has spread to the brain, despite its widespread use – Medical News… -
Eric Drew posted an update in the group The Marcus Bannon Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) Global Advocate Network
Francesca did you see the 60 Minutes episode tonight about Glioblastoma? So exciting for all cancers! http://www.cbs.com/shows/60_minutes/
Ericdrew18 joined the group Brain Tumor Advocate Network
Francesca posted an update in the group The Marcus Bannon Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) Global Advocate Network
Latest info – we flew to Newport Beach, CA to see Dr. Christopher Duma, who agreed to use his GammaKnife as a one time radiation treatment for Tom’s tumor. When we got there, Dr. Duma told us that the tumor had grown larger, to the point where he could NOT use the GammaKnife. He had a nearby colleague, Dr. Amanda Schwer, who had a CyberKnife, and…[Read more]
Francesca posted an update in the group The Marcus Bannon Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) Global Advocate Network
What’s new with us is after the surgery at Stanford to remove some of the tumor, we returned to Hawaii for a Gamma Knife radiation. When we arrived at the consultation with the surgeon, we were informed that he had taken a leave of absence, and they had imported a new radiation oncologist from Canada. Needless to say, she was NOT interested in…[Read more]
Eric Drew posted an update in the group The Marcus Bannon Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) Global Advocate Network
My father’s business partner and friend Tom has been recently diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme, and of course I offered to meet with them and assist his wife Francesca with evaluating next steps and treatment options. Tom and Francesca live in Hawaii where they had the initial tumor extraction surgery which is generally the first step in…[Read more]
Eric Drew joined the group Brain Tumor Advocate Network
WeHeal created the group Brain Tumor Advocate Network