Daniel Alvarado


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Daniel Alvarado

About Me

Retired Fire Captain.
Worked over 2 decades in a large metropolitan fire department. Post a pneumonia-like event in 2012, I was not able to fully recover and developed a loud rumble in my right lung. After several physicians which included asthma and pulmunologist, I was finally diagnosed. Stanford University Hospital discovered I had tracheobronchomalacia.
This condition has been progressive. My trachea collapses 93% on exhalation, my right mainstem bronchus collapses 96%, and I have a near 100% collapse of my left mainstem bronchus. On top of this, the right half of my diaphragm is paralyzed and elevated. Recently I have had a “Y” stent placed in my trachea and bronchus as a trial. At this time I was noted to have tracheal stenosis as weel.This has been difficult to tolerate. I’ll keep everyone posted. Thanks